Pheobe Wool Coat x Louise Angelica Clermonte

Phoebe Wool Coat

Endelig kan vi presentere design samarbeidet med Louise Angelica Riise. Pheobe Wool Coat, er en ullkåpe av høyeste kvalitet som kombinerer klassisk design med moderne funksjonalitet. Denne kåpen er skapt for å være en uunngåelig del av garderoben din, den både skiller seg ut samtidig som den passer perfekt inn i høstens motebilde.


As fashion trends come and go, there's one thing that never goes out of style – the need for wardrobe essentials.

Our wool jackets are made to be worn, season after season.

Sandy wool jacket grey Clermonte


Jackets made for the modern woman.

Whether you're dressing up for a night out or want to look good in the weekdays. Clermonte has the perfect piece to help you stay warm during the winter and make you feel your best.

Reese PU Jacket Clermonte

Discover our newest collection of spring jackets. Our jackets are made to last, season after season.